What to Avoid During Home Inspection?

What You Must Not Do During Inspection

Inspection is the most important and basic step in a home purchase. Home buyers should be ready for some costs and inconveniences. Inspectors will come to your home and review its major parts and systems. During the inspection, they may discover things that are not working as they should, which may force them to make some changes. They can also locate mold or moisture issues that can lead to some long-term costs.

The following is a list of typical errors that should be avoided in order to ensure that your house is ready for the inspection:

  1. Eating and drinking: It is always recommended that you do not bring guests for the inspection, especially during the early stages of the sale. It is because you might be tempted to have a snack or something to drink. Remember, the guests will be staying there for a few days, so you should prepare the refreshments.
  2. Moving things around: Do not move around your belongings or make any changes to the rooms before your home inspection. Inspectors will probably walk in and out of the house, and they might find it quite difficult to familiarize the layout. Things like furniture must be left in their original locations.
  3. Hiding damaged items: Always keep in mind that you must not conceal objects that have been damaged. You should make sure to hide them somewhere in your home, but you shouldn’t be surprised if the inspector finds them when they search your property. This indicates that they will unquestionably have an impact on either the cost of the loan or your chances of being approved for it.

Making these mistakes will cause problems during the inspection, so it is better to leave the tasks to qualified professionals in Duval Home Inspections, Inc. We offer top-notch home inspection services in Jacksonville, FL. Call us (904) 716-3230 today for inquiries.

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